Website Design and Development

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What We Do

We help companies discover new rev streams by redeploying a highly underutilized asset! Their Website…

Our Mission

To empower every business owner to build an amazing online experience and reach their next level, effortlessly.

Who We Are

We stand proud knowing each project we nurture and release into cyberspace brings joy and cash flow to its owner.

Helping Companies with Website Design and Development

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Website Design Ideas

Website design encompasses a wide range of items that you need to consider to produce the perfect website for your business. This is a process that we work through with a client in order to have a well-thought-out structure for a website. Then we get to work to get it done.

To get the initial inspiration. There are dozens of sites available where you can look over different website designs putting together the ideas that you would like to see. Contact us and we can send you a huge list.

Website Design Best Practices

We build websites with strict website design best practices. Starting with the perfect template to fit your business. Working with you to put together the best content. Then developing search-engine-ready “on-page SEO” while making the site fast and user-friendly.

HubSpot put together an amazing article called 9 Guidelines & Best Practices for Exceptional Web Design and Usability. This will give you a good starting point to understand the key items that you should be looking for, we know, these steps are part of the opening of a relationship with a new client.

One of the things most business owners stay away from is schema code. It’s hard to figure out and if you do it wrong it totally messes up your SEO. But when you consider that there are 1.4 billion websites out there and only 10 million are using schema code that means you have virtually no competition. So utilizing schema code in order to help rank your website is an absolutely essential item. We’ll help you with every step.

What is important on a great website: Speed, User Friendly and Attractive
To give you an idea of speed and properly optimized, click the link to see the screenshot:
PageSpeed – Mobile: View Report
PageSpeed – Computer: View Report
Lighthouse: View Report
Pingdom: View Report

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Website Design For Small Business

If you’re wondering which website is best for your business, this is a struggle many business owners face when they’re trying to figure out what’s going to be their best online presence. You have many options available. Some are inexpensive and ugly and others are super expensive and nice looking. What you need is somewhere in between, that’s going to be us.

A few beginning tips would be picking a domain name that is short, because you’re going to need this for SEO purposes later on. Then, make sure you have a good hosting account which we would suggest utilizing NameCheap. They can provide you with both the domain name as well as an excellent hosting package at a great price.

Website Design Portfolio

Pretty much every provider out there will have a web design portfolio available. We have over 250 website templates for you to be able to look over and pick the style that is best for you and your business. On top of that, we have thousands of variations of those designs which you can mix and match depending on the page and the type of impression that you’re trying to make.

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website design online

Website Design Online

Many business owners try and save money by finding A provider and then do their website design online themselves. this actually might be a good thing if you’re just starting your business and you have no budget whatsoever.

However factoring in what your hourly rate is, it’s not worth it to try and build a website yourself. Our pricing is low due to the fact that we do a lot of work for brokers and agencies. We’re very confident that no one’s going to provide the package that we do for the price that we can build it.

Rank Math
